Friday, March 22, 2019

Careful little eyes by Willow Rose
by Willow Rose
4 stars

Book 4 of the 7th Street Crew series. Although this is really a Mary Mills novel, since we don't see too much of the rest of the gang. Not the best of the series but better than book 3.

Mary and Joey go to New Orleans following a lead on Blake and Salter. Of course Mary stumbles on a murder in her hotel. Believing that once again Blake is involved and that she is the only one to prove this, Mary injects herself into the investigation.

The story of New Orleans "Axeman" is true. It happened in 1918. Willow does a nice job bringing it into present day.
The part about Robyn and Suzy was interesting. I didn't care for the blending of the two stories with the murders.

Does Mary finally get Blake? Does she find Salter? Will she ever let Joey in again? I guess you just have to read the book and find out.

Friday, March 1, 2019

You Can't Hide: A pulse-pounding serial killer thriller (7th Street Crew Book 3) by [Rose, Willow]

by Willow Rose
4 stars

From the very beginning, the author has your attention. What would you do as a mother, if you noticed a stranger paying SPECIAL attention to your little girl? This is what Maria is faced with.
Someone is abducting single mothers and their teenage daughters in Cocoa Beach. Mary Mills is alerted to this when her friend Danny's daughter goes missing. Why do they want them and what are they doing to them.
We are back to the drama of the life of Mary Mills. Her ex-husband Joey has a new girlfriend, her son Salter is growing up and separating from her, and her friends all have problems of their own. Of course we cannot forget about Blake, Mary's fugitive brother. We know he wants to hurt Mary, but how does he plan to do it.
We meet Boxer in this book. He has issues with a addicted brother.
And also Danh, a Vietnamese refugee, and his voyage from a wartorn Vietnam. His brother, Bao, and his sister, Long, are with him.
The ending has a bit of a twist. I found this to be the most riveting plot of the series so far.

If you have read this book, please leave a comment.