Monday, April 29, 2019

The House that Jack Built: An edge of your…

by Willow Rose
3 stars

We are once again thrown into the life of Det. Jack Ryder and his family. His fiancée is accused of murder, his daughter is anorexic, and Jack seems to be clueless.
Young boys are being kidnapped, held, tortured and killed. Jack's man suspect has a great alibi; he was in prison.
I somewhat enjoyed the book. I like Willow's writing style; it normally has a nice flow and is easy to read. This book had many editing issues. There were typos, spelling errors, and inconsistancies in the story.
For example, in Chapter 46 when Hector was trying to find his family in Cuba. First Hector and Raul are asking their way through a crowd for hours searching for them, then Hector is going back to the boat that Raul is guarding. When did they separate.
There are times like when Jack realizes that Austin's misspelling of his name ( using an e instead of an i) is a code, and then figures it's a phone number. Too farfetched and unbelievable.
I'm still going to read book 4 Black Jack. But I'm not a fan of the Jack Ryder series.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Slip Out the Back Jack (Jack Ryder #2)

by Willow Rose
3 stars

This is book 2 of a series. Definitely not a stand alone book, since we jump right into the relationship and families of Jack and Shannon without a recap of what happened in book 1. So please read "Hit The Road Jack" first, or you will be a little lost.
The actual story line bored me. Following Jack and Shannon and their children was slow, dragging, and repetitive. The mass killings weren't very exciting to read about and kind of predictable. The plot line with Elizabeth ended predictably also. Although I liked and was surprised by how it was tied into the present day, and how it pertained to recent events.
There were a lot of typos and misuse of wording. This causes a stop in the flow so I can work out what the author is actually tying to say.
I'm gonna move on the book 3 to see what happens to Jack, Shannon, the kids, and the Monahan Sisters.
And when will somebody get Little Abigail under control? She seems like a little brat.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Hit the Road Jack: A wickedly suspenseful serial killer thriller (Jack Ryder Book 1) by [Rose, Willow]

by Willow Rose
4 stars

Laura Bennett is murdered and dismembered. Her husband was asleep in the same room, drunk and drugged with Rohypnol. He says he didn't see or hear anything.
Det. Jack Ryder is called in. He worked homicide in Miami, now he lives in Cocoa Beach - hoping to see little or no action. He is raising 3 children alone after his wife ran off a couple of years ago.
The author blends the stories together nicely, past and present to help you get inside the killer's mind. But it also makes the ending predictable.
I enjoyed the book and am about to read book two of the series. Slip Out The Back Jack.
Ms. Rose has proclaimed herself the "Queen of Scream". This is the second series and the 6th book I have read of hers. I like her writing but haven't found anything scream worthy yet.

If you have read this book, I would love to hear any comments.