Wednesday, September 28, 2022

by Glen R. Krisch

When Kevin Dvorak witnesses his father's murder, he starts having nightmares about "Mr. FreakShow". One of the scariest, ugliest, and most evil thing a ten your old can imagine.
Dr. Maury Bennett has past experience with nightmare creatures, and he has the power to extract them from your mind. So that you are no longer are bothered by them.
What happens when these creatures get released into the waking world? How do you destroy these creatures? And is Maury able to do what needs to be done?

Mr. Kitsch had me on the edge of my seat. I found this book extremely enjoyable and slightly terrifying. He is at a level just below Stephen King with this book.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

by Nathan Pennington

When Kelly Brandt is found dead in a motel room, it is assumed to be suicide. Ray Crusafi is hired by Kelly's daughter Macy because she doesn't believe her mom would kill herself.
Ray speaks with many shady people during his investigation. He feels that everyone could be suspect in Kelly's death.
During the story, we find out that Ray has a secret past. He is not who he pretends to be.

Was it suicide or murder? If murder, who did it? If suicide, why? And just who is Ray Crustafi?

A Good story, it held my interest. And has me wanting to read to next story, just to find out Ray's secrets.

by M.J. Webb
4 ****

Jake returns to Estia to save Ben's life and to continue to fight the evil forces of Vantrex. He must go on a quest to restore the stones, with the help of Verustus, Tien, Ben and a few new friends. He meets the Heynai, they are the great spirits of the world. They are like God, but with limitations. They can use their powers to help, then need to rest and recuperate.

The teenagers (Jake, Ben and  Zephany) are the heroes in this book. Their lives are put in peril over and over. And they continue to take the next task on like it is no big deal that they almost died.

I really enjoy this series and will be reading the last book soon. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


by M.J. Webb

When Jake and his best friend, Ben, find a magical box of gemstones in Jake's grandfather's attic; the action begins. Jake and Ben get thrown into a strange world that is in the midst of a war. As the "Keeper of the Stones", Jake is expected to save this world from the evil King Vantrax.

Can Jake and Ben follow the right path to save this world, and possibly their own world?
The two main characters are relatable, likable, and fun. The story is easy to follow and well written. 

Part 1 of 3: must be read in order. These are not stand alone books.

CAUTION: Parental discretion, this story has violence, death, and some swear words. 

                  Suggested for 12 and over.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

by Tracy James Jones

 I received this book free from Librarything in exchange for an honest review.

The Inhabitants of Magnolia Park is a collection of short stories ( if 2 stories can be called a collection). Although my version had a bonus story included.
I found the stories to be boring and nonsensical. The dialogue in "Peyton's Playmate" was juvenile to say the least, for 2 people who were supposed to be great at sexual games.
I enjoyed "Paper Images" a little more. This story had promise. With a bit of tweaking it could become something.
The bonus story "The Crush" wasn't worth the 2 minutes it took to read it.
Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.

by Krista D. Ball

 Rachel can feel "the other side". So when young Manny O'Toole calls her for help, she can feel the spirits around his house. Manny unknowingly called the Native People and Vikings to this side. And Rachel must figure out how to send them back to their resting places. 

The story is good, the characters are likable, it is well written, and believable. I enjoyed it. 

by Elizabeth Chater

 Two FBI agents disappear while investigating possible alien activity in Wyoming. 

The BIEP (Bureau for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Phenomena) get involved along with Valentine Norton, the wife of Phil Norton, the second agent to vanish.

The BIEP team consists of three men. Tem Chester, the leader is a telepath. Steve Abbott, is the tech pro.

And Jones is the muscle. 

This is a nice quick story about two hours. It is interesting, a little bit surprising, and fun.

by Dalya Moon

Zan can tell a girl's future when she pokes him in the belly button. When he meets Austin, he immediately falls in love with her. Zan can't see her future.
While trying to figure out things with Austin, Zen has to avoid an elderly couple who wants his power.
Also try to remember his past, and how it fits into what is happening to him now.

I enjoyed this book, even though the belly button power is a bit weird.
It was interesting, funny, and eventful.
Great read for a teenager. Beware of sexual situations and cuss words.


by Dumitru Sandru

Hellferata - Medusa's bodyless soul still lives
Dracu Mort - Hellferatu's son to a goat.
The Lorns - people who live in a tree because "monsters" roam the ground on foggy nights
Michele - "The girl with the golden hair' - prophecy says she will destroy Hellferatu
Melissa, Nathan, and Perry - Michele's sister and friends. They were all transported to another universe.

Concept is interesting and all the elements are there for a good story (if you like mythology and alternate universe stories like I do). But something is missing for me. It drags a little and needs more excitement. Hopefully book 2 in the series steps it up and grabs my attention more.
This is a good read for preteens.