Sunday, October 30, 2022

by Toyin Sebastien Ajimati

I received this book from LibraryThing for free, in exchange for an honest review.

The author has a dark, discouraging view of the world throughout most of these poems, with the exception of the poems about love. The style of writing and the wording feel like a teenager wrote these. 

The author stated in his note to readers that racism, skin color, drug abuse, violence, and sexual content are subjects that he touches on. This is a world I don't really know, since I never dealt with these issues. Maybe someone who has will connect to the poems a bit more than I did.

Some poems seem unfinished (examples: "Are You That Type?" page 22 & "Body Safe" page 27). Some have the wrong word tense and take you away from feeling the poem (examples: "Evaporated Energy" page 40 - we are creating and then cremated & "Vernacular Vines" page 86 - what is they poison). Some are too short (examples: "Are You That Type?" 4 lines, "Body Safe" 4 lines, "Chapters of Self" 3 lines, & "Fowl Beauty" 3 lines). 

There are a couple of poems that are the same with a different title. "Revolving Thoughts" page 70 and "Gambling Thoughts" page 45 are exactly the same. Then "The Mind Tray" page 82 and "Cortex Caption" page 33 are the same at the beginning, then one line is added to "Cortex Caption"

I like a couple of poems "A Blind of Reality", "Daunting Realities", and "Heart-Humper" are a few of them. "Cries of Ships" was deep and touched my soul.

All in All, I thought the poems were ok. It was a decent and quick read. Only 90 pages and none of the poems were too long. 

by Ami Blackwelder

I like this series, but I am a bit confused right now. I understand that Ms. Blackwelder wrote the books out of order. This is the first book she wrote, then 4 & 5, then 1 & 2. But the timeline and characters should still coincide with each book. 

First example: In book 1, Kyle was one of the original shifters. He followed a human named Uri to Russia, in hopes of making friends and helping his kind survive. But in this book, Kyle originally landed in Russia and came to Alaska to hide. (No mention of Uri). 

Second Example: The Stanger was a hybrid in book 2 raised by the shifter clan including Joelle, Brendan, Gin, and Clay. Now in this book when Brendan runs into The Stanger, he doesn't know who he is. Plus the books have all mentioned that the shifters know one of their own by scent.

Also when humans have babies to the shifters, they don't seem fazed by the quickly maturing children. Melanie's babies are one day old. She goes into the room and they look at her and smile. Then she puts them on the floor and watches them play. (One day old babies do nothing but eat, sleep, poop, and cry.)

Overall, I recommend reading this book (the whole series actually). It is very interesting and action packed. You root for the shifters to survive. Your heart hurts when one is hurt or killed. And I personally would like to blow up the SCM with Raul inside. 

If you can ignore or overlook the slight inconsistencies and issues that I mentioned, then you will like this book.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

by Ami Blackwelder

Book 2 of the Shifter Evolutions Series helps us to know Captain Carl Raul a bit more. SCM stands for Shifter Counterinsurgency Military. It is run by Captain Raul.

What he is like as a military captain/general and what he is like as a man? Can he love someone more than his career?

We are also introduced to the group of hybrids. They are not children of ages 9 or 10. Each has a personality and challenges of their own. They are in need of adventure. 

I do like this series, even with the few flaws I find in the storyline. I wasn't as interesting as book 1. 

And where is Uri Petrov (human) and Cloud Light/Kyle (shifter)? I thought their friendship would have a bigger part to play.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


by Scott Sigler

While trying to make a human transplant breakthrough, geneticists create a new animal. The "ancestor" to all mammals on earth. The ancestor is not as safe and docile as expected. Add in a psychopath boss who wants anybody involved in the project dead.
It takes a little while for the action to start, but it is non stop once it starts.

I listened to this book on audiobook read by Scott Sigler himself. He used a different voice/accent for each character, and really lets you see their personalities.

Thursday, October 6, 2022


by Ami Blackwelder

This is book 1 of the Shifter Evolution Series.

I received this book from LibraryThing free for an honest review. A couple years ago, Ami sent me about 7 books to review. I'm afraid I have been a little laxed at finishing the reviews, so I will be taking care of that now.

When alien beings made of light photons come to earth, they are seen by many people in many countries. This book concentrates on the group that landed in Alaska.
All the "shifters want to do is live here in peace because their planet is no longer habitable. Of course that is impossible. The US military tries to hunt them, kill them and experiment on them. One man makes friends with a shifter, despite his anger and fear.

The story is good. Although there are times that are contradictory. When aliens arrive one makes a statement "Let's head to the forest on the other side of the lake." Later when speaking of the lake "What is this substance? We've never seen it's like before."
The alien names are not very imaginative: a purple strobe is "Purple Hue", a golden strobe is "Golden Beam", a silver strobe is "Silver Tip".

I did enjoy the book despite these issues. I will be reading the rest of the series. I believe there are 6 books.