Monday, November 21, 2022

by Ami Blackwelder

 I received this book through LibraryThing, in return for an honest review.

This is the story of April, told by April herself.

Shortly after April's 19th birthday, she started feeling different. She had bouts of illness and great pains in her whole body. One day while on the University of Alaska campus, she is grabbed and taken to the forest. Here she meets her twin sister, Arquet, and other hybrids. They tell her the truth about her lineage. 
We are to find out a great secret about General Raul. Melissa, Bruce, and Colonel Marn meet April & Arquet. This is the conclusion of the Shifter Evolution Series.
I truly enjoyed this book. It flowed nicely. The story was addicting. I read it in one day. The hybrid characters were likable, and you felt for their plight.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


by Ami Blackwelder
4 ****

This is book 4 of the series.
In this one, we learn more about the relationship between Melissa Marn and Bruce Wilder. Two scientists working for the SCM. Melissa's connection and compassion for the shifters and hybrids. Also, we are reintroduced to the hybrids, and given more detail into their lives and personalities.
We see that Clay and Claire are the only two Alaskan shifters left, but there are many shifter/human hybrid children. The oldest are now 20 years old and ready to go on their own to start families. General Raul and Corporal Lane continue to manipulate and disgust everyone involved. Uri is back, he is a shifter sympathizer now. His reason isn't at all surprising.
I enjoyed this book. It flowed nicely with the last book. There was a good bit of action.
I would recommend the series to anyone who likes alien or military stories. Or enjoys a story which causes compassion in your own soul. You will find yourself rooting for the shifter family and hating the military and General Raul.

Friday, November 11, 2022

by Keith Pulver
2 **

This is a story about professional corruption that comes with power, also a detective/police story.

Dr. Emerson Noble is a well-respected and excellent surgeon. One slight mistake in surgery and he loses his practice. The insurance investigators use their power and influence to destroy the good doctor. A few years later, Dr. Noble wants revenge. He sets out to destroy their careers and lives. He hires a private detective agency to locate and dig up as much dirt on these people as possible. This is done by illegal means (breaking into hotel rooms; hacking into security systems, phones and computers).

When another doctor is murdered on her way to see Dr. Noble, Scotland Yard gets involved. The detectives piggyback off of the illegal hacks to watch their suspects. And allow them to remain free to kill again.

This could have been a really good book, except for the fact of the police being fools. People are killed right in front of them, and they don't even realize what is going on. Also, maybe the author should research crime scenes and details about blood spatter and such things. When somebody is stabbed repeatedly while in bed and then dismembered, you will need to do a lot more to hide the crime than just change and wash the sheet. The mattress would be soaked, and there would be blood spray all over the walls and ceiling. I also didn't feel that I needed so much past history on All the characters. I don't need to know where someone was born, where they went to school, and who their first girlfriend was only for that person to be killed 2 pages later.

Would I recommend this book to anyone? Maybe: I think the plot is not bad. Just be warned there is a lot of detail issues.