Saturday, December 31, 2022


by Annie Bellet

I received this book a few years back from LibraryThing, in return for an honest review. 

Aine was born with fey coloring, and blessed by a Selkie. She was raised by a wisewoman, and learned the ways of healing.
Emyr and Idrys are twins, who were cursed by a Fey woman. One is to live as a hound during the day, the other at night.
Aine comes into their lives through a tragic event. She falls in love with Emyr, and both boys fall for her. 
Can her love break the curse that the boys have lived with for so many years? And can she hold onto herself and her beliefs while trying to save the boys?
I enjoyed the story. It was well written, the characters were well rounded, and the plot was intriguing. The story didn't quite end as expected. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

by PJ Nwosu

When a child is found dead in a man's coffin, Honnan Skyin wants to investigate. The Viceroy tells him to leave it alone, because there is an epidemic on the island to worry about. Honnan can't get it out of his mind. So he snoops around a little anyway.
This is a disturbing tale of unwanted children and murder. 
It was a quick read. A little repetitive. Too much focus on chewing baccy. But overall a decent story. Although there wasn't total justice for the babe in the end.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

by Andrew Van Wey

 When Louis Harding finds a woman's head in his crab pot, he has no idea the hell he is about to unleash. Until she opens her eyes and he is bewitched. 
Megan and her prep school friends are about the have their dark past come to the surface.

Not a bad story, but not overly exciting either. The end was like a Twilight Zone ending. 
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick read.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


by Pavel Kostin

I received this book free from LibraryThing in review for an honest review.

This is the story of Max. We first meet Max sitting on the edge of a roof, contemplating suicide. Lady F appears to talk to him. It isn't clear who or what Lady F is: a hallucination, a guardian angel, a ghost. She seems to magically appear when Max needs her. She gives him some cryptic advice that always help him, if he can decipher it.

His friend Viktor is a photographer. His friends Mutt, Linda, Torte, and Tanya are all street artists. They have some very philosophical and thought-provoking conversations. 

It seems that the story is about nothing inparticular until about the last 200 pages. That is when things come together. And if you look back you realize that everything was leading you to this conclusion. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and recommend it to everyone.