Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Word Is Murder

By Anthony Horowitz
4 stars

The death of an elderly lady is the start of this great adventurous whodunit. Did Diana Cowper know she was about to get murdered or was it coincidence?
When Ex-Detective Daniel Hawthorne asks writer Anthony Horowitz to follow him on an investigation and write about it, little did either of them know where it was gonna take them.
The characters are all written with full clarity of who they are, what they look like, and the kind of people they are.
The scenes are describe in detail, so you can see them clearly in your head. The dialog ring true. It's hard to tell that this is fiction. The ending is not what I expected and I love when an author can surprise me like that.
I truly enjoyed this book. I plan on reading more Horowitz in the near future, or watching some of his tv series. The only reason I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because sometimes the details were a little to much or too repetitive. Although some details were important to the conclusion and needed to be repeated and ground into the brain, so the reader wasn't confused by the outcome.

If you have read this book, I would love to hear your comments on it.

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