Friday, May 24, 2019

Girl Next Door by Willow Rose

by Willow Rose
4 stars

Another Jack Ryder Mystery, Folks! This one may be the best so far.The Monday Morning Killer is inspired by the true crime BTK Killer.
In the 1970's, a killer terrorized Cocoa Beach Florida. He would stalk a family and attack them on a Monday morning as they were getting ready for work and school. In the mid 1980's, he went underground. Now it is 2018, and the killings have started again.
Why did he disappear and what triggered him to kill again? Is it even the same guy or a copycat? Most of all, who is he? The end was a bit of a surprise, even with the flashbacks to help direct you and help you understand the mind of the killer.
The mystery part of the story kept me interested. It was the family drama in Jack's life that irritates me.
Jack works all the time. His wife Shannon, a big country star, is on the road. They are always leaving their 6 kids (2 adopted, 2 Jack's, 1 Shannon's, and 1 belongs to both) with his elderly parents, who are trying to run a business. Emily,Jack's 19 yr. old adopted daughter has an eating disorder and has been screaming for attention. But work is more important than family.
This book would have gotten 5 stars from me if not for the disfunctional family aspect, and the neglect shown to the children. Jack even states many times how he can't wait to get the kids to school and daycare, so he can surf or be alone.    

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