Wednesday, June 19, 2019

DON'T TELL (Jack Ryder Book 7) by [Rose, Willow]

by Willow Rose
3 stars

Jack Ryder and his family go on vacation to the mountains in North Carolina. Jack and his wife, Shannon, want their children to learn to ski and snowboard. Of course, Jack gets involved in a case while there.
First the Ryder family is witness to a car crash, then Austin is in the room when a murder happens, and then Shannon finds the body of a missing 17 yr old in the creek behind the cabin. Can we possible push Jack into working this case any more than this?
The murder mystery part of the story was good. There were a few surprises and twist. You kind of had an idea who murdered the boy and how the other crimes tied in (even though many suspects were given), but why Ben was killed was unexpected.
The family aspect of this series has always bothered me. Jack and Shannon seem smart and loving. Yet somehow they are clueless with the kids. Austin is pressured by Jack to do things Jack likes and the boy hates. Shannon sees it but won't speak up on behalf of the boy. Abigail is a wild child that Jack won't control, and Shannon is afraid to because it may upset Jack. They have had 3 children kidnapped, yet they are always leaving them alone. Which leads to Austin going through some terrible things in this book.
If Miss Rose would just stick to the mystery part of her books and cancel out the family aspect, I would appreciate this series more. I like book 6 with only Jack and Emily. I missed Emily in this book.

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