Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cujo: A Novel by Stephen King
by Stephen King
5 stars

Cujo, a 200 lb. Saint Bernard, is bitten by a bat and becomes rabid.
Although the story seems to be about a rabid dog causing terror and mayhem, it is really more about the family dynamic of the Trentons and the Cambers.
How will Vic Trenton deal with his wife's Infidelity? What about 4 year old Tad's fear of the monster in his closet?
How can Charity Camber help to direct her son Brett's life into a direction other than what his father has planned?
This is one of King's scariest books because it can happen. It isn't an imagined ghost or monster. At any time your own pet can contract rabies and turn on you.
This is more frightening to read about if you can place yourself into the situation.

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