Friday, July 10, 2020

by Various Authors
Edited by Terri Carr
3 stars

There are 10 stories in this book. Many are worth the couple of minutes they take to read. A few are disappointing. A couple are memorable and stick with you long after reading them.

My favorites are:
The Cat From Hell (Stephen King) - of course anything from King is memorable. I am a cat lover, so                                                           this was great. A cat gets revenge for wrongs done to his kind.
Jeffty Is Five (Harlan Ellison) - The story of a boy who refuses to grow up, literally. Interesting tale                                                     of the supernatural, mind over matter and time. Ended by stupidity of another.

Growing Boys (Robert Aickman) - 2 young mischievous boys? 2 boys without parental structure? 2                                                            monsters? You decide!!

My least favorites are:
Black As The Pit, From Pole To Pole (Steven Utley and Howard Waldrop) - Too long, didn't hold my                                                       interest. The senseless journey of Frankenstein's monster.

Manatee Gal Ain't You Coming Out Tonight (Auram Davidson) - Boring, uninteresting. I couldn't                                                   take the lousy Jamaican accent that was supposed to be portrayed.

I would be remise if I didn't mention Probability Storm by Julian Reed. The story of a disembodied gentleman in a bar. The tale is weird and confusing, but interesting and likable.

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