Saturday, December 31, 2022


by Annie Bellet

I received this book a few years back from LibraryThing, in return for an honest review. 

Aine was born with fey coloring, and blessed by a Selkie. She was raised by a wisewoman, and learned the ways of healing.
Emyr and Idrys are twins, who were cursed by a Fey woman. One is to live as a hound during the day, the other at night.
Aine comes into their lives through a tragic event. She falls in love with Emyr, and both boys fall for her. 
Can her love break the curse that the boys have lived with for so many years? And can she hold onto herself and her beliefs while trying to save the boys?
I enjoyed the story. It was well written, the characters were well rounded, and the plot was intriguing. The story didn't quite end as expected. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

by PJ Nwosu

When a child is found dead in a man's coffin, Honnan Skyin wants to investigate. The Viceroy tells him to leave it alone, because there is an epidemic on the island to worry about. Honnan can't get it out of his mind. So he snoops around a little anyway.
This is a disturbing tale of unwanted children and murder. 
It was a quick read. A little repetitive. Too much focus on chewing baccy. But overall a decent story. Although there wasn't total justice for the babe in the end.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

by Andrew Van Wey

 When Louis Harding finds a woman's head in his crab pot, he has no idea the hell he is about to unleash. Until she opens her eyes and he is bewitched. 
Megan and her prep school friends are about the have their dark past come to the surface.

Not a bad story, but not overly exciting either. The end was like a Twilight Zone ending. 
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick read.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


by Pavel Kostin

I received this book free from LibraryThing in review for an honest review.

This is the story of Max. We first meet Max sitting on the edge of a roof, contemplating suicide. Lady F appears to talk to him. It isn't clear who or what Lady F is: a hallucination, a guardian angel, a ghost. She seems to magically appear when Max needs her. She gives him some cryptic advice that always help him, if he can decipher it.

His friend Viktor is a photographer. His friends Mutt, Linda, Torte, and Tanya are all street artists. They have some very philosophical and thought-provoking conversations. 

It seems that the story is about nothing inparticular until about the last 200 pages. That is when things come together. And if you look back you realize that everything was leading you to this conclusion. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and recommend it to everyone.

Monday, November 21, 2022

by Ami Blackwelder

 I received this book through LibraryThing, in return for an honest review.

This is the story of April, told by April herself.

Shortly after April's 19th birthday, she started feeling different. She had bouts of illness and great pains in her whole body. One day while on the University of Alaska campus, she is grabbed and taken to the forest. Here she meets her twin sister, Arquet, and other hybrids. They tell her the truth about her lineage. 
We are to find out a great secret about General Raul. Melissa, Bruce, and Colonel Marn meet April & Arquet. This is the conclusion of the Shifter Evolution Series.
I truly enjoyed this book. It flowed nicely. The story was addicting. I read it in one day. The hybrid characters were likable, and you felt for their plight.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


by Ami Blackwelder
4 ****

This is book 4 of the series.
In this one, we learn more about the relationship between Melissa Marn and Bruce Wilder. Two scientists working for the SCM. Melissa's connection and compassion for the shifters and hybrids. Also, we are reintroduced to the hybrids, and given more detail into their lives and personalities.
We see that Clay and Claire are the only two Alaskan shifters left, but there are many shifter/human hybrid children. The oldest are now 20 years old and ready to go on their own to start families. General Raul and Corporal Lane continue to manipulate and disgust everyone involved. Uri is back, he is a shifter sympathizer now. His reason isn't at all surprising.
I enjoyed this book. It flowed nicely with the last book. There was a good bit of action.
I would recommend the series to anyone who likes alien or military stories. Or enjoys a story which causes compassion in your own soul. You will find yourself rooting for the shifter family and hating the military and General Raul.

Friday, November 11, 2022

by Keith Pulver
2 **

This is a story about professional corruption that comes with power, also a detective/police story.

Dr. Emerson Noble is a well-respected and excellent surgeon. One slight mistake in surgery and he loses his practice. The insurance investigators use their power and influence to destroy the good doctor. A few years later, Dr. Noble wants revenge. He sets out to destroy their careers and lives. He hires a private detective agency to locate and dig up as much dirt on these people as possible. This is done by illegal means (breaking into hotel rooms; hacking into security systems, phones and computers).

When another doctor is murdered on her way to see Dr. Noble, Scotland Yard gets involved. The detectives piggyback off of the illegal hacks to watch their suspects. And allow them to remain free to kill again.

This could have been a really good book, except for the fact of the police being fools. People are killed right in front of them, and they don't even realize what is going on. Also, maybe the author should research crime scenes and details about blood spatter and such things. When somebody is stabbed repeatedly while in bed and then dismembered, you will need to do a lot more to hide the crime than just change and wash the sheet. The mattress would be soaked, and there would be blood spray all over the walls and ceiling. I also didn't feel that I needed so much past history on All the characters. I don't need to know where someone was born, where they went to school, and who their first girlfriend was only for that person to be killed 2 pages later.

Would I recommend this book to anyone? Maybe: I think the plot is not bad. Just be warned there is a lot of detail issues.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

by Toyin Sebastien Ajimati

I received this book from LibraryThing for free, in exchange for an honest review.

The author has a dark, discouraging view of the world throughout most of these poems, with the exception of the poems about love. The style of writing and the wording feel like a teenager wrote these. 

The author stated in his note to readers that racism, skin color, drug abuse, violence, and sexual content are subjects that he touches on. This is a world I don't really know, since I never dealt with these issues. Maybe someone who has will connect to the poems a bit more than I did.

Some poems seem unfinished (examples: "Are You That Type?" page 22 & "Body Safe" page 27). Some have the wrong word tense and take you away from feeling the poem (examples: "Evaporated Energy" page 40 - we are creating and then cremated & "Vernacular Vines" page 86 - what is they poison). Some are too short (examples: "Are You That Type?" 4 lines, "Body Safe" 4 lines, "Chapters of Self" 3 lines, & "Fowl Beauty" 3 lines). 

There are a couple of poems that are the same with a different title. "Revolving Thoughts" page 70 and "Gambling Thoughts" page 45 are exactly the same. Then "The Mind Tray" page 82 and "Cortex Caption" page 33 are the same at the beginning, then one line is added to "Cortex Caption"

I like a couple of poems "A Blind of Reality", "Daunting Realities", and "Heart-Humper" are a few of them. "Cries of Ships" was deep and touched my soul.

All in All, I thought the poems were ok. It was a decent and quick read. Only 90 pages and none of the poems were too long. 

by Ami Blackwelder

I like this series, but I am a bit confused right now. I understand that Ms. Blackwelder wrote the books out of order. This is the first book she wrote, then 4 & 5, then 1 & 2. But the timeline and characters should still coincide with each book. 

First example: In book 1, Kyle was one of the original shifters. He followed a human named Uri to Russia, in hopes of making friends and helping his kind survive. But in this book, Kyle originally landed in Russia and came to Alaska to hide. (No mention of Uri). 

Second Example: The Stanger was a hybrid in book 2 raised by the shifter clan including Joelle, Brendan, Gin, and Clay. Now in this book when Brendan runs into The Stanger, he doesn't know who he is. Plus the books have all mentioned that the shifters know one of their own by scent.

Also when humans have babies to the shifters, they don't seem fazed by the quickly maturing children. Melanie's babies are one day old. She goes into the room and they look at her and smile. Then she puts them on the floor and watches them play. (One day old babies do nothing but eat, sleep, poop, and cry.)

Overall, I recommend reading this book (the whole series actually). It is very interesting and action packed. You root for the shifters to survive. Your heart hurts when one is hurt or killed. And I personally would like to blow up the SCM with Raul inside. 

If you can ignore or overlook the slight inconsistencies and issues that I mentioned, then you will like this book.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

by Ami Blackwelder

Book 2 of the Shifter Evolutions Series helps us to know Captain Carl Raul a bit more. SCM stands for Shifter Counterinsurgency Military. It is run by Captain Raul.

What he is like as a military captain/general and what he is like as a man? Can he love someone more than his career?

We are also introduced to the group of hybrids. They are not children of ages 9 or 10. Each has a personality and challenges of their own. They are in need of adventure. 

I do like this series, even with the few flaws I find in the storyline. I wasn't as interesting as book 1. 

And where is Uri Petrov (human) and Cloud Light/Kyle (shifter)? I thought their friendship would have a bigger part to play.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


by Scott Sigler

While trying to make a human transplant breakthrough, geneticists create a new animal. The "ancestor" to all mammals on earth. The ancestor is not as safe and docile as expected. Add in a psychopath boss who wants anybody involved in the project dead.
It takes a little while for the action to start, but it is non stop once it starts.

I listened to this book on audiobook read by Scott Sigler himself. He used a different voice/accent for each character, and really lets you see their personalities.

Thursday, October 6, 2022


by Ami Blackwelder

This is book 1 of the Shifter Evolution Series.

I received this book from LibraryThing free for an honest review. A couple years ago, Ami sent me about 7 books to review. I'm afraid I have been a little laxed at finishing the reviews, so I will be taking care of that now.

When alien beings made of light photons come to earth, they are seen by many people in many countries. This book concentrates on the group that landed in Alaska.
All the "shifters want to do is live here in peace because their planet is no longer habitable. Of course that is impossible. The US military tries to hunt them, kill them and experiment on them. One man makes friends with a shifter, despite his anger and fear.

The story is good. Although there are times that are contradictory. When aliens arrive one makes a statement "Let's head to the forest on the other side of the lake." Later when speaking of the lake "What is this substance? We've never seen it's like before."
The alien names are not very imaginative: a purple strobe is "Purple Hue", a golden strobe is "Golden Beam", a silver strobe is "Silver Tip".

I did enjoy the book despite these issues. I will be reading the rest of the series. I believe there are 6 books.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

by Glen R. Krisch

When Kevin Dvorak witnesses his father's murder, he starts having nightmares about "Mr. FreakShow". One of the scariest, ugliest, and most evil thing a ten your old can imagine.
Dr. Maury Bennett has past experience with nightmare creatures, and he has the power to extract them from your mind. So that you are no longer are bothered by them.
What happens when these creatures get released into the waking world? How do you destroy these creatures? And is Maury able to do what needs to be done?

Mr. Kitsch had me on the edge of my seat. I found this book extremely enjoyable and slightly terrifying. He is at a level just below Stephen King with this book.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

by Nathan Pennington

When Kelly Brandt is found dead in a motel room, it is assumed to be suicide. Ray Crusafi is hired by Kelly's daughter Macy because she doesn't believe her mom would kill herself.
Ray speaks with many shady people during his investigation. He feels that everyone could be suspect in Kelly's death.
During the story, we find out that Ray has a secret past. He is not who he pretends to be.

Was it suicide or murder? If murder, who did it? If suicide, why? And just who is Ray Crustafi?

A Good story, it held my interest. And has me wanting to read to next story, just to find out Ray's secrets.

by M.J. Webb
4 ****

Jake returns to Estia to save Ben's life and to continue to fight the evil forces of Vantrex. He must go on a quest to restore the stones, with the help of Verustus, Tien, Ben and a few new friends. He meets the Heynai, they are the great spirits of the world. They are like God, but with limitations. They can use their powers to help, then need to rest and recuperate.

The teenagers (Jake, Ben and  Zephany) are the heroes in this book. Their lives are put in peril over and over. And they continue to take the next task on like it is no big deal that they almost died.

I really enjoy this series and will be reading the last book soon. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


by M.J. Webb

When Jake and his best friend, Ben, find a magical box of gemstones in Jake's grandfather's attic; the action begins. Jake and Ben get thrown into a strange world that is in the midst of a war. As the "Keeper of the Stones", Jake is expected to save this world from the evil King Vantrax.

Can Jake and Ben follow the right path to save this world, and possibly their own world?
The two main characters are relatable, likable, and fun. The story is easy to follow and well written. 

Part 1 of 3: must be read in order. These are not stand alone books.

CAUTION: Parental discretion, this story has violence, death, and some swear words. 

                  Suggested for 12 and over.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

by Tracy James Jones

 I received this book free from Librarything in exchange for an honest review.

The Inhabitants of Magnolia Park is a collection of short stories ( if 2 stories can be called a collection). Although my version had a bonus story included.
I found the stories to be boring and nonsensical. The dialogue in "Peyton's Playmate" was juvenile to say the least, for 2 people who were supposed to be great at sexual games.
I enjoyed "Paper Images" a little more. This story had promise. With a bit of tweaking it could become something.
The bonus story "The Crush" wasn't worth the 2 minutes it took to read it.
Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.

by Krista D. Ball

 Rachel can feel "the other side". So when young Manny O'Toole calls her for help, she can feel the spirits around his house. Manny unknowingly called the Native People and Vikings to this side. And Rachel must figure out how to send them back to their resting places. 

The story is good, the characters are likable, it is well written, and believable. I enjoyed it. 

by Elizabeth Chater

 Two FBI agents disappear while investigating possible alien activity in Wyoming. 

The BIEP (Bureau for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Phenomena) get involved along with Valentine Norton, the wife of Phil Norton, the second agent to vanish.

The BIEP team consists of three men. Tem Chester, the leader is a telepath. Steve Abbott, is the tech pro.

And Jones is the muscle. 

This is a nice quick story about two hours. It is interesting, a little bit surprising, and fun.

by Dalya Moon

Zan can tell a girl's future when she pokes him in the belly button. When he meets Austin, he immediately falls in love with her. Zan can't see her future.
While trying to figure out things with Austin, Zen has to avoid an elderly couple who wants his power.
Also try to remember his past, and how it fits into what is happening to him now.

I enjoyed this book, even though the belly button power is a bit weird.
It was interesting, funny, and eventful.
Great read for a teenager. Beware of sexual situations and cuss words.


by Dumitru Sandru

Hellferata - Medusa's bodyless soul still lives
Dracu Mort - Hellferatu's son to a goat.
The Lorns - people who live in a tree because "monsters" roam the ground on foggy nights
Michele - "The girl with the golden hair' - prophecy says she will destroy Hellferatu
Melissa, Nathan, and Perry - Michele's sister and friends. They were all transported to another universe.

Concept is interesting and all the elements are there for a good story (if you like mythology and alternate universe stories like I do). But something is missing for me. It drags a little and needs more excitement. Hopefully book 2 in the series steps it up and grabs my attention more.
This is a good read for preteens.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

by Lisa Alden

Andra is having a horrible 14th birthday. She receives a bracelet to help cheer her up, unaware of the true power of the bracelet. Shortly after putting the bracelet on her wrist, Andra finds herself in another world parallel to reality.
After meeting some of the people in this land, and realizing that one of them is a six year old girl missing from reality, Andra's real adventure begins.
I enjoyed this book. It is a sweet book for the teenage reader, and nice light reading for an adult like me. The story line flows easily, and the characters are well thought out. The book brings a few unexpected twists to keep you interested.
I would definitely read a sequel to the story, hopefully on how Andra and Mike help Joel get free from the Seven.

Friday, August 26, 2022


by Janet Evanovich

Stephanie and Lulu witness a robbery. Somehow (we won't blame Lulu) the perps getaway bike is damaged, and then another one of Stephanie's cars catch fire. When Stephanie sees the robbers face, she gets tangled up with a gang called the Comstock Street Slayers. And becomes the target for a hired hitman named Junkman.
She must also try to get Carol Cantell to court. She was arrested for holding up a Frito Lay truck and stealing all the chips.
Sally Sweet is back. Along with Joe Morelli, Ranger, Connie, Grandma Mazur and the rest of the family. Plus a new family member.


by Janet Evanovich

Vinnie writes a Visa Bond for Samuel Singh. He has 3 months and then must return to his own country. But Mr. Singh disappears and Stephanie must find out why and where. 

This one takes us out of Trenton - to Vegas. Along with Lulu and Connie, Stephanie tracks her fugitive and tears up Vegas, and Ranger's men. 
Stephanie also has to deal with a situation with Morelli and Terry Gilman (an ex-girlfriend of Joe's). And Joe's Grandma Bella prophesies of Stephanie's death. And find a missing dog.
So funny that I couldn't bear to put it down.

by Janet Evanovich

When a neighbor asks for Stephanie's help, she of course agrees. Once again only to get in way over her head. 

It's a simple case, find Evelyn Soder and her daughter, Annie. Not as easy as it seems. Stephanie has to deal with mobster, Eddie Abruzzi, who rents to Evelyn. Also Steven Soder, the father of Annie. And believe it or not, Stephanie is being chased by a giant bunny. 

She also has to avoid Joe and Ranger, who both want to lock her up to protect her from Abuzzi. 

Stephanie may not be very smart or good at the job, but she does get lucky. She also has a no quit attitude. She goes the long difficult route but somehow comes out on top.


by Janet Evanovich

Our favorite bounty hunter is back.

At the end of Hot Six, Stephanie found a body in Eddie DeCooch's shed. Eddie is a semi retired mobster, elderly, crazy, and just happens to be dating Grandma Mazur. With a murder charge, Eddie goes FTA. Stephanie is charged with locating him and bringing him back for trial. With a marriage proposal from Joe and a sex involving deal with Ranger, Stephanie finds it hard to concentrate on the job.
Full of fun and excitement. so very entertaining.

Monday, August 22, 2022

HIGH FIVE        
by Janet Evanovich

 When Stephanie's Uncle Fred is missing, her mother recruits Steph to find him.

The usual ragtag bunch are all there to help. 

Finding Fred becomes a bit more complicated and dangerous than first expected. And the heat between Joe Morelli and Stephanie become more intense. So does the attraction to Ranger. Stephanie knows he's not a stable person to be in a relationship with, but her body continues to crave him.

See if Stehanie and the gang can find Uncle Fred and solve the case of his disappearance. And see if Stephanie gets her man,or even figure out which one she really wants.

I said it before I love this series. It is hilarious. The characters are all wonderfully created and well developed. The story and plot are executed perfectly.


by Janet Evanovich
5 ****

Hide your cars, grandmas, and lock your apartment, Stephanie Plum is back in Four To Score.

On the hunt for Maxine Nowicki, a waitress who skipped out on bail over auto theft. Should be quick and easy to find her and take her in. But with Stephanie Plum and her crew of misfits, things are never easy.
Once again we are joined by Grandma Mazur, Lulu, Ranger, and Joe Morelli. And now add in a transvestite named Sally Sweet. 
People get their fingers cut off and the head partially scalped. This is much more than just a simple woman stealing her boyfriend's car because she is mad at him.

The story is interesting. I was totally engaged. And of course the hilarity ensues as only Ms. Evanovich can do.

Saturday, August 20, 2022


by Janet Evanovich

Book 3 of the Plum Series

Stephanie, Joe, Ranger, and Grandma are at it again. Along with Lula, an ex-hooker who wants to be a bounty hunter. This time hunting down an old man named Mo, who owns the neighborhood ice cream shop. No problem, right? Have you read a Stephanie Plum novel? There is always a problem.

Mo was simple charge with carrying a concealed weapon, but then it becomes so much more. Everyone in town is against Stephanie for messing with Mo. And Mo has more fight than would have been expected. Enter a few dead drug dealers and let the craziness begin.


by Janet Evanovich

Book 2 of the Plum Series is not disappointing. We get the excitement, sexiness, and humor that we expect from Janet Evanovich and Stephanie Plum.

Stephanie is on the hunt for Kenny Mascuso. He just shot his best friend, skipped on bail, and happens to be Joe Morelli's cousin. Stephanie and Morelli have hard vibes that never seem to be able to deny or accept.

With help from Ranger (a superman style bounty hunter) and Grandma Mazur (who is addicted to funeral homes), Stephanie can't help but to find her prey. Then let him get away, again and again. 
Wonderful fun and super quick read.

Friday, August 19, 2022



by Janet Evanovich


Enter Stephanie Plum and her hilarious family and friends. 

When Stephanie loses her job at the dept. store, she gets hired by her cousin to work bail bonds enforcement. She is the clumsiest but luckiest bounty hunter you will ever find.

Her mother, grandma, and father bring their own fun side of things. Along with a few friends that Stephanie meets.

In One For The Money, she must hunt down Joe Morelli, a Trenton cop accused of murder. He is a heartthrob who took her virginity when she was 16. And somehow has never left her mind. 

I absolutely loved this book. One big belly laugh after another.

Friday, August 12, 2022


by Kenya D Williamson
2 **

I received this book free for an honest review.

The story was good. A little slow but sort of interesting. 
After growing up in a hard family environment, Danni left home and tried to find herself and have a life of her own. She is very closed off emotionally, until Grace and Joe come into her life.
I wasn't a fan of the writing style. The book was 397 pages long, but the story was only 190 pages. It was written twice. Once as a poem and again as an actual story.

Friday, July 22, 2022

by Stephen King
***** stars

Insomnia is one of Stephen King's best novels. You are on the edge of your seat waiting for what is to come. I had a hard time putting it down.

After Ralph's wife is diagnosed with cancer, he can't sleep the night through. He has what is called premature waking. Every morning he wakes up just a few minutes earlier than the night before. After a couple of months of this (and the death of his wife), he begins to see things. He thinks he is hallucinating.
He sees auras and colors everywhere. And then strange little men.
He has a mission to accomplish. Along with Lois, the lady down the street, he sets out on his mission.

You will have to read the book yourself to find out what the mission is, and if they can do it.
I will tell you to pay attention if you are a King fan. He references a few other books in his library. "It" and "The Dark Tower" often, and a mention of Gage from "Pet Sematary". Leave a comment if you notice any others.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 I know it has been awhile since I placed a review. Sorry! My life has become abit crazy. 2 new grandchildren (a boy and a girl). A new puppy. And trying to find a new home. 

I have been reading and keeping a list of books I have read. So soon I will be adding all the reviews. There will be about 20 or 30 coming in the next few weeks.