Monday, August 22, 2022


by Janet Evanovich
5 ****

Hide your cars, grandmas, and lock your apartment, Stephanie Plum is back in Four To Score.

On the hunt for Maxine Nowicki, a waitress who skipped out on bail over auto theft. Should be quick and easy to find her and take her in. But with Stephanie Plum and her crew of misfits, things are never easy.
Once again we are joined by Grandma Mazur, Lulu, Ranger, and Joe Morelli. And now add in a transvestite named Sally Sweet. 
People get their fingers cut off and the head partially scalped. This is much more than just a simple woman stealing her boyfriend's car because she is mad at him.

The story is interesting. I was totally engaged. And of course the hilarity ensues as only Ms. Evanovich can do.

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