Wednesday, January 18, 2023

by Chris Comish

I received this book free from LibraryThing in return for an honest review.

I am new to reiki and chakras and such. I had a bit of trouble understanding what to do or expect. The attunement directions were slim. "Just relax and ask for attunement." But I did feel a slight pressure in my head when I did the chakra meditations. And I think I may have opened up my ability to empathize. I took a family member to the doctor's. In the same building is a pain clinic and dialysis clinic. After about a half hour in the waiting room, I got a severe headache and very nauseous. When I was leaving, a woman was being taken out on a stretcher. Her daughter said that her blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels during the dialysis treatment.

I'm going to continue with the attunements and read a few other books to learn more. Hopefully I learn to understand this and it helps bring peace and clarity into my life.

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