Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)A DANCE WITH DRAGONS (A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE BOOK 5)
by George R.R. Martin
4 stars
I love the series. But this book was slow moving and when nowhere. We were informed on the characters that were missing in the last book (Daenarys, Jon Snow, and Tyrion). I just didn't see much growth in the characters.
This book just seemed to be alot of filler, no real meat to the story. We were introduced to a few new characters. Some with no real major role, some still remain to be seen what role they play small or large. There is no Targaryan battle for Westeros and no army of the dead invasion.

It has been 8 years now, book 6 The Winds Of Winter still in waiting. I will be anticipating it's release. And hopefully we get a resolution to the fight for the throne and the fight of the century with the others and their white walkers. 

If you have read this book, I would love to hear your opinion.

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