Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!! A little late I know, sorry for the delay.

I have decided to read a bunch of books by Willow Rose the next couple of months.
This year I will be reading certain authors and trying to get through all their books. (May be a bit impossible with a few of them.)
Willow Rose will be first. Then I may read all of Dean Koontz. Many of his will be a second time. Same with Stephen King, James Patterson, Joanna Lindsey, and Anne Rice.
 I would like to read Michael Crichton, Nora Roberts, and Chris Carter. I have many of their books but never took the time to read them, so now is the time.

As I said I would like to read all the books from each author. But some of these folks have so so so many out there, it will take a year just for one author. My best course of action is 1 or 2 months for each writer, then come back to him or her at a later date. We will see how things go.

Please leave a comment if you have any advice or views of your own on any of my reviews. Or even just to let me know if you like any of the writers mentioned above. Who is your favorite author? Mine is Stephen King. He has given me the chills, ever since I was 10 years old hiding under the covers reading late into the night.

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