Wednesday, November 14, 2018

3:AM Kisses by [Moore, Addison]

by Addison Moore
3 stars

I agree with the review by 'I read way too much', Baya is way too needy and desperate for my taste.
3: AM Kisses starts out pretty good. It's Baya's first day at Whitney Briggs University. She runs into Bryson Edwards, her brothers roommate, and instantly they fall for each other.
It would be a nice little romantic story, except for the fact that the only thing we even hear from either of them is how they want to have sex with the other. Baya needs to be with Bryson so badly, that she begs him for a kiss and throws herself at him over and over. Even when Baya sees another girl coming from Bryson's room naked, she wants him at that moment. She counts the MANY tally marks he keeps on the wall tracking his SCORES, and still she wants to be with him. I couldn't see any woman who values herself acting this way. Especially since Baya is a virgin, and has waited this long for someone special to come along.
If you want sex and a few good laughs (a lot of Baya's remarks about Bryson, her brother Cole, and her roommate Jeannie are hilarious), then this is a fun read. The author has a great writing style.

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