Wednesday, November 14, 2018

by Shelley Costa

After the murder of her best friend, Val is throw into a mystery.....or three. First, who killed Adrian and why? Second, why would someone forge a satire of a Christian document and where is the original? Third, who killed a young boy at the monastery and what did he know?
With the help of her Aunt Greta and Adrian's brother Antony, they work to solve these mysteries. Val is smart, funny, and down to earth. Very likable as a lead character. All players in the tale are well developed and come to life on the pages.
Shelley Costa is and excellent writer. The story is well thought out and executed. There were a few typos in my version, but since it was an advanced copy that is expected. But that is the only reason this gets 4 stars instead of 5.
I didn't read the first in this series, but I intend to. I received this book from the publisher for an honest review.

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