Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Call by Merrill Gemus
by Merrill Gemus
2 stars

This is a short story, about 20 min. to read. It is a teen read about a 9th grade boy, Simon, who falls for an 8th grade girl, Tania. He can't talk to her in person, so he gets her phone number from a friend. Will he be able to call her and strike up a  conversation?
The author has a nice writing style. I have read other works from this author and liked them, but this one falls short for me. There is not enough substance to the story, and not enough time for character development. I will say the author tried to get us to know the 2 main characters but just couldn't pull it off in the short amount of time given.
I recommend this book to young readers and anyone who doesn't want to take a lot of time to read.
This is a cook get through it quick kind of book.

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