Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Invasion (Alien Invasion Book 1)
by Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant
5 stars

Invasion is the story of 1 family's journey to their safe house when an alien invasion is imminent.
Meyer Dempsey has made his millions in the movie industry. He has been prepping for an unknown disaster for years. Even going so far as to build a self contained underground bunker, and stock it with enough supplies to last for at least 10 years. When he hears that alien ships are approaching earth, he gets his family together. They need to get from New York to Colorado before the aliens make it to earth.
The book has very little to do with the invasion. It is mostly about the journey and difficulties they encounter.
I really enjoyed Invasion. Mr. Truant and Mr. Platt are excellent storytellers. It is a gripping tale. The characters are well developed and multi faceted. A couple of the characters ( Piper and Raj: for example) even grow and change within the short time period that the tale takes place.
I personally liked the way this book ended.
 I have already begun Book 2 in the series - Contact. I can not wait to find out where Meyer, Piper, Heather, Raj, Trevor and Lila end up and what is coming their way.
I give Invasion 5 stars.

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