Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Castle: Richard Castle's Storm Season (Derrick Storm Graphic Novel Book 2) by [Bendis, Brian]

by Brian Michael Bendis and Kelly Sue DeConnick
4 stars

(Portrayed as written by TV's "Richard Castle")
I am a huge fan of the "Castle" tv show. I love Nathan Fillion. So I was excited when they decided to create the books.
Derrick Storm is a private eye. He is not too smart but pretty lucky. He is a bit of a wise ass, just like Richard Castle was.
I never was a big fan of comic books, that is why I gave 4 instead of 5 stars.
The plot is good, the dialog is cheesy (which is usually the case in comics), and the characters are great.
It is only about an hour to get through, so I recommend it to everyone who just wants a quick fun read.

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