Wednesday, November 14, 2018

by Brian Michael Bendis and Kelly Sue DeConnick
(Portrayed as written by TV's Richard Castle)
4 stars

I was a huge fan of the TV show "Castle". Even more so a fan of Nathan Fillion. So when the Richard Castle books came out, I was so excited.
Deadly Storm is our introduction to PI Derrick Storm. He is very much like the Castle character on the TV show. Smart, creative, impulsive, charming, and a bit of an idiot.
He gets himself caught up in a case which brings him in touch with CIA operative Clara Strike. Their partnership in this adventure is comical.
I'm not into comic books, which is why this got 4 stars instead of 5. But I enjoyed the story. I laughed many times over the stupid things Storm said. A lot of the dialog is cheesy, but still awesome. I look forward to reading the next installment.

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