Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Bubba and the Dead Woman by [Bevill, C.L.]

by C.L.Bevill
5 stars

I received this book free in return for an honest review.
This is a humorous tale of murder and false accusations.
Bubba's ex-fiancée is murdered on his property. Everyone is looking at Bubba, because he is the only one who knew her. He was at work alone with no way to prove that he didn't leave the premises.
Bubba has a part time girlfriend in Lurlene, and finds himself infatuated with the new female Deputy: Willadean. His mother runs a underground poker game and is not afraid to speak her mind. The townsfolk believe Bubba did it but are all on his side. Throw in a few ghost, a treasure hunt, and a bit of a twist at the end: you have the perfect story.
There were a few typos (errors in wording, spelling, or punctuation), but I didn't feel it took away from the story.
I loved this book. I found Bubba, his mama, his townspeople, even his dog hilarious. I laughed over and over.

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